

North East Chair Message

1st December 2020

North East Chair Message

Hello everyone and welcome to the winter edition of jetlag.

This year has been unlike any other, and we have all had to adapt to a new way of life as we adjust to a post-pandemic world. As 2020 draws to a close, I would like to focus on the positives that JETAA has achieved this year. As pubs and cafes closed their doors, JETAA chapters opened their laptops and smartphones to a host of new ideas and virtual events.

The London chapter created fun and rivalry with their zoom pub quizzes, and the Scotland chapter kept us entertained and educated with a range of cultural talks from kanji lessons to traditional Rakugo storytelling performances.

Being online helped JLGC organise the biggest post JET careers fair to date. JETAA volunteers helped by supporting the event, and some even joined as panellists. By hosting the day-long event virtually, we were even able to welcome current JETs in Japan to the network.

JETAA is always growing and looking for more people to get involved, please take this opportunity to email your local chapter to find out more.

As the second lockdown draws to a close, and with Christmas around the corner, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and hope that everyone stays safe and healthy into the New Year.

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